Avaforce 100 mg

Avaforce 100 mg tablet helps alleviate erectile dysfunction (ED) in men by facilitating the erection process. It is a vasodilator that increases blood circulation to the penile organ. It acts as a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor and provides a lasting erection for several hours. The dosage is easy to follow. Also, Avaforce 100 mg Avanafil is the key component, safe to intake, and effective always. Let us know more about this medication in detail.

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What is Avaforce 100mg Used For?

As a PDE5 inhibitor, the primary use of an Avaforce 100mg tablet is to treat male impotence. It helps you achieve a hard erection and sustain it for 4 to 6 hours. It widens the blood vessels and improves blood flow to the phallus, causing a lasting and firmer hard-on. You can consult a healthcare provider for the right dosage. However, the standard dose for an Avanafil tablet is 100mg.

How Does Avaforce 100mg Tablet Work?

By inhibiting PDE5 enzymes, Avaforce 100mg Avanafil causes the production of nitric oxide and cGMP enzymes, contributing to a strong erection. The penile muscles and tissues of the corpus cavernosum relax, which helps the hard-on to linger for a longer time. With blood filling the vessels of the phallus, the erection is firmer than usual. The blood does not ebb away easily out of the male reproductive organ. Thus, the Avanafil tablet gives an erection for up to 4 to 6 hours. However, physical stimulation is necessary for a hard-on to occur.

What is the Avaforce Tablet Dosage?

You should buy Avaforce 100mg tablets online only if you have erectile dysfunction. The right dosage depends on your age, health, and medical conditions. However, most users find the 100mg tablet effective. You need to take the medicine orally with water 30 to 60 minutes before foreplay. You can use the pill according to your need for intimacy.
However, do not take more than one Avaforce – erectile dysfunction tablet in 24 hours. Also, do not eat a heavy meal. You can take the medicine after a light meal or on an empty stomach. Avoid junk food, alcohol, grapefruit, high-fat food, and other interacting items.

What Are the Avaforce 100mg Side Effects?

While Avaforce 100mg tablets are well-tolerated by men, certain mild side effects may occur. These include dizziness, headache, muscle pain, blurry vision, flushing, rash, stomach upset, etc. They do not last long and disappear soon. New users are more prone to it but get over these soon as the body adjusts to the dosage. Thus, you can buy Avaforce 100mg tablets online without a second thought.

What Are the Avaforce Precautions and Warnings?

Watch alcohol intake and tobacco use as these may cause the Avanafil tablet effect to be reduced. They affect the way the medicine gets absorbed in your blood, delaying the erection. Also, you must consult your physician if you have chronic diseases, especially those related to the heart/liver/kidney/pelvic area. Men over 65 should watch their health and take an Avaforce 100mg tablet if a physician advises. If using antihistamines or antidepressants, let your doctor know, as the dosage may require alteration.

What Are the Interactions of an Avanafil Tablet?

Interactions are products, food, and sources that do not go well with Avaforce 100mg Avanafil, causing reduced treatment efficacy, or health issues. For instance, if you are allergic to the anti-ED pills, switch to an alternative treatment. Similarly, avoid combining Avaforce 100mg with nitrate-containing medicines such as those to treat angina and chest discomfort.
Nitrates may lead to sudden drops in blood pressure, just like alcohol which also causes lightheadedness and drowsiness. Also, do not use antifungal medicines and antibiotics while undergoing treatment with Avaforce – erectile dysfunction pills. Get a complete list of interactions with a Avaforce 100mg tablet from a physician, and follow it.

How to Store Avaforce 100mg Avanafil?

After you buy Avaforce 100mg tablets online, store them correctly. You should keep the medicine in its original pack, and stocked in an airtight container. Place the container away from direct sunlight and moisture. The medication stays well at room temperature. Make sure pets and children cannot reach the tablets. If the tablets expire, dispose of them in the trash, after putting the Avanafil tablet in a box or its normal packing.

Note: You can buy Avaforce 100mg tablets online from bluepillsrx.com easily. We also have an option for bulk orders. You can trust us as we provide verified and tested medicines for erectile dysfunction treatment.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who Should Use Avaforce 100mg?

Only men (no females) over 18 years of age with erectile dysfunction are eligible to use Avaforce 100mg. Firstly confirm with your healthcare provider if you can safely take this medicine, are allergic to its components, have a penile injury, or possess any contraindicatory medical conditions.

What is the Primary Benefit of Anti-ED Pills?

Avaforce 100mg is a successful anti-impotence medicine, which gives a person the capacity to retain a firm erection for several hours. It is a need-based medication for erectile dysfunction, not habit-forming, and one of the first lines of treatment for soft erections. It contains Avanafil as the active ingredient, which is a PDE5 inhibitor, increasing blood flow to the penile organ to cause a hard-on.

How Long Does It Take for Medicine to Act?

It can take up to an hour for the pill to help with erection. Sometimes it can act sooner or longer, depending on your body’s metabolism and health condition. The medicine’s components may take anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes to get into the bloodstream, only after this, you can get a hard erection.

What Are the Criteria for the Safe Intake of the Pill?

You must now break, chew, or powder the tablet but consume it with water, orally. Take only one pill in 24 hours. Do not take extra pills during this period. Also, avoid intake of alcohol, heavy meals, fatty food items, grapefruit, and other interacting medicines and eatables.

Should I Drive If I Feel Dizzy After Using Avaforce?

If you feel drowsy or dizzy after taking the anti-ED medicine, do not lift heavy objects or operate heavy machines, including driving vehicles. Any task that involves mental alertness or full focus is not advisable in such cases. If you find a problem with focus, sit in one place and do not make sudden movements.

How Much Time Does the Tablet Stay Active?

The medicine’s key ingredient stays in your bloodstream for about 4 to 6 hours. Thus, you gain erection capacity for this long. However, the actual stay time depends on the health and age of the person, as well as lifestyle and dietary practices. But on average, you can expect a healthy erection for several hours.

Can I Use a Lower or Higher Dose of the Medicine?

You may use a lower dose safely but consult your healthcare provider about it if you wish to take a higher dose. The best person to take advice from about any dose adjustment is your physician. A lower dose is suggested if you have chronic health issues. So, get a health assessment if you are concerned about the 100mg intake.

Does the Tablet Benefit Those with Premature Ejaculation?

While Avaforce 100mg helps you maintain a hard erection, it does not participate in the ejaculation process. It neither delays the early climax nor increases the volume of release. However, you can find other combination meds at our store, which take care of premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction.

Can I Combine the Pill with Poppers?

No, it is not advisable to combine Avaforce 100mg with recreational substances and poppers. This will increase side effects and harm your health. Some of the health warnings in this case are heart attack, stroke, increased pulse rate, falling unconscious, severe headache, priapism, sweating, blurry vision, etc.

Do I Ingest the Pill at Any Time of the Day?

Yes, you can consume the anti-impotence pill at any time of the day depending on when you wish to get intimate with someone. However, take the medicine an hour before lovemaking so that the erection occurs at the proper time. You can either use the pill on an empty stomach or after a light meal.

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2 reviews for Avaforce 100 mg


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